Understanding, Discovering and Mastering The “Keys To The Vault”
For Achieving Personal Success and Financial Success.
Authored By Gary A. Ferraro
Author, Founder & Creator:
Success Psychology & Mindset Mastery
The “Keys To The Vault”.
Understand, Know, Be, Do and Master The Following:
The First Key:
You Must Master The Art Of “Modeling”.
You can best learn how to be successful, by learning from people who have already done it – already have it – and also from those who have gone from success to failure, back to success and even then sometimes back to failure again and then back to success again.
There is a famous quote from a very famous man whose name you likely know – and it goes like this:
“The same level of thinking that got you into the problem
won’t be sufficient to get you out of it.”
– Albert Einstein
The Second Key:
Think Differently.
How are you thinking about things right now?
How are you thinking about the worrying, scary, frustrating, challenging issues, challenges and problems you face?
And more important – How do you NEED to think differently about them?
The Third Key:
Believe Differently.
How are you believing about things right now?
How is what you believe hurting you?
And more importantly – what beliefs do you need to change in order to get to your goals?
The Fourth Key:
See Things Differently.
How are you looking at things right now?
How is what you see hurting you right now?
And more importantly – How do you need to see things differently in order to get to your goals?
The Fifth Key:
Talk Differently.
How are you talking about things right now – both to your external world and to yourself (self talk).
How is what you say to the world and to yourself everyday hurting you?
And more importantly – how do you need to talk differently to your external world and to yourself in order to get to your goals?
The Sixth Key:
Act Differently.
How are you acting and behaving about things right now?
How is what you do everyday hurting you?
And more importantly – how do you need to act differently everyday in order to get you to your goals?
You may very well find that if what you are doing isn’t working or is producing only limited results it is likely that what you need to do is to try – the exact opposite!
The Seventh Key:
Be Different.
How are you “being” right now with respect to your most important goals?
How is what you are “being” everyday hurting you?
And more importantly – how do you need to “be” different in order to get you to your goals?
The Eighth Key:
Relate Differently.
How are you relating and interacting with others and your world – and even yourself – when it comes to your life, goals and dreams?
How is how you are or have been “relating” everyday hurting you?
And more importantly – how is it that you need to relate differently than how you have been “relating” to get you to your goals.
You may find that what you need to focus on is giving and relating yourself to OTHERS concerns and needs verses focusing on your OWN concerns and needs – including with close people in your life such as your spouse, partner, kids, parents, family, friends, customers, colleagues etc.
The Ninth Key:
Unwavering Commitment.
It’s GOING To Take Lots of Consistent and Persistent Effort, Commitment and Work On Your Part.
Are You Ready, Prepared and Committed To Do What It Is Going To Take – No Matter What?
When it comes to achieving mastery in ANYTHING – as the old saying goes:
There’s no easy way out.
The easy way out, leads back “in.”
Transform and Master Your Mind and
You Will Transform and Master Your Life.
We’ve created a complete series of books and training courses that you can use to master how to master the “Keys To The Vault” to help you achieve and sustain personal and financial success.
It’s all covered in the book Success Psychology & Mindset Mastery.
You Can Get It Here.