Understanding, Discovering and Mastering The Art of Ridding Yourself of and Protecting Yourself From Negative, Poisonous People and Things to Propel Yourself to Personal Success and Financial Success.
Authored By Gary A. Ferraro
Author, Founder & Creator:
Success Psychology & Mindset Mastery
If you intend to create and sustain personal and financial success you MUST do this.
Read the words in the graphics image above again and make sure you get it – and ACT on it.
Because if you don’t – you WILL pay the price for it personally and financially.
If you have not done it already, there absolutely must come a time in your life, when you walk away from all the poison, drama, negativity and the people who create it.
They are hurting you and holding you back.
Don’t let them rent space in your head – or your heart – or your life.
You MUST surround yourself with people who make you laugh – make you feel good – are encouraging and supportive of you – who are on your team – who are there ALL the time – not just when times are good.
You MUST Forget about the bad that you have had and focus on the good that you have.
You MUST Love, Appreciate and show Gratitude for the people who treat you right and let go of (and if you are religious- pray for) the ones who don’t treat you right.
Life is just too short to “be” and “do” anything but happy.
Life is way too short to give energy and attention to anything or anyone who is creating poison, negativity and drama in and/or around your life.
We all know that failures, falling down and getting kicked around and beat up is a part of life and a part of our Journey.
But getting back up is part of and a MUST for your success.
And an important part of getting back up has a LOT to do with WHO you will allow to continue to be in your life and who you must “get rid of like a bad habit”.
Let there be peace and certainty in you and around you – Everyday.
If it is not there then CREATE IT!
And always trust that what has happened to you – good or bad- does serve you to make you who you are and who you will become.
Always know that the possibilities for your success, peace and happiness are endless and boundless and restricted ONLY BY YOU.
Be Content – be at Peace – be Grateful – be at Certainty – be in Belief – and…
maybe not how, when and where you thought it would come from – but it WILL come.
And if you want to “Pay It Forward” – which I strongly recommend you do – then share this blog post and/or forward this blog post on to all of your friends, family and colleagues – maybe even be bold enough to send it to those who have hurt you or have not been there for you.
Transform and Master Your Mind and
You Will Transform and Master Your Life.
We’ve created a complete series of books and training courses that you can use to master how to master the Art of Ridding Yourself of and Protecting Yourself from negative, poisonous people and things to help you achieve and sustain personal and financial success.
It’s all covered in the book Success Psychology & Mindset Mastery.